Monday, April 29, 2013

Current Work 20011 - 13

Listed below is a series of paintings I have been able to do in the last couple of years.
Some are experiments to get to other pieces.

My camera doesn't even get close to the real images but some pics are better than others.

Kieth Richards, acrylic on canvas

The Shroud, acrylic on gessoed masonite

Percius Slaying the Minotaur Acrylic on gessoed masonite

Old Philosopher, acrylic on canvas. 11x14

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mick Jagger Painting

How could I resist this face. It shows everything.

16x20 acrylics on stretched canvas with a limited pallet.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Portrait of My Friend Merf

Second in a series of portraits of friends and family. I have been working on volume and lighting.
Getting closer to the look I am trying to achieve. I think I want more texture in the grisaille layer.
9x12 acrylics on canvas panel.

Portrait of My Friend Mike.

This is a portrait of my friend Mike. He is a very interesting man. A hard working traveling man with a long history written in his face.
9x12 on gessoed canvas on panel. Acrylic, using an old classic technique. Many call it the Flemish technique or the 7 layer technique.
I used an umber layer for the drawing and lights and darks. Then a sort of modified grisaille layer. Thin layers of white paint to build up a gray value painting in the light areas. Then the color layer and some going back and forth. Some strengthening of the darkest parts and then the highlights.

There always seems to be some experimentation all along the process.